Just my thoughts on leadership.

Archive for March 5, 2012

Dr. Ben Wilson on Leadership

I had the opportunity to hear from Dr. Ben Wilson last month as part of my leadership class. Dr. Wilson addressed many aspects of leadership, and it was very interesting to hear what someone not to far ahead of my present stage of life had to say about those leadership experiences.

Dr. Wilson talked about how being involved with leadership at BYU helped him to become a “grown up.” I have definitely felt similarly as I have participated in leadership at BYU. It seems to me that as I began my service as an Executive Director, I was young and naïve and didn’t know how to do hardly anything I was required to do in this capacity. As I have worked in this position, though, I feel that I have matured and my horizons have been expanded. I have definitely grown as a leader. At the start of my term, I had a very difficult time dealing with interpersonal problems. Although it’s not easy now, I am much more open to the idea of confronting situations that may arise with a level head and with open communication. I am able to deal with problems that come up in a way that I would not have been able to do before my service in BYUSA. I also feel that I have had experiences leading and planning events that have helped me to become a better person in general. I feel that I am much more aware of others’ needs and feelings, and I am able to show people around me that I care about them, which is important to me.

While at BYU, Dr. Wilson got approval to be an intern in Jerusalem, even though that was not a part of his program. I found this to be very impressive that just because he was willing to put in some extra effort and be innovative. I, too, can be an advocate for change and improvement if I am willing to put in that extra effort. I think that is the most important element of advocating change — your willingness to do a little bit more. If you care about the change you are implementing, you will be willing to work harder than you may have anticipated, and your willing labor will make all the difference in the success of those changes.

It was great to hear from Dr. Wilson. If you ever get the chance to hear him speak, I would highly encourage it.